With the recent commit of 'ktrans' to 9front, SDF boot camper 'ldb' as taken the
idea and created 'ctrans' https://9p.sdf.org/who/ldb

As Kenji Okamoto has pointed out, 'ktrans' would be difficult to extend to 
Chinese due to the massive number of characters necessary.  While Japanese can
get away with ~2500 daily use characters, Chinese requires quite a bit more. 
The advantage in Japanese is that there are two other writing alphabets which 
purely phonetic and useful for importing foreign words.

ldb's 'ctrans' had to take the 'ktrans' idea and optimize it a bit more to 
20,000 characters.  The result is a mechanism that more or less behaves like 
but is quick (even over drawterm) to cycle through character lists.

moody has seen this work and it has been an inspiration to adapt to 'ktrans' for
even faster Kanji look up which could allow for more esoteric Kanji to be added.

In addition a new font 'HanaMinA' has been adapted which beautifully supports 
Japanese and Chinese characters and it is what we recommend folks use on 

Thank you ldb for your great work!

ldb, お疲れ様です!


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