On Sun, May 22, 2022, 4:16 PM adr <a...@sdf.org> wrote:

> Has someone done something with aarch64 on labs|9legacy?
> It's called arm64
> Great.
> Because with this 4 magical words I was supposed to find... what?
> Where? What are you talking about? Where is this work on Bell Labs'
> plan9 that I could find using the string "arm64" (which of course
> I knew already from 9front, the only distribution with aarch64
> support)? Even in Inferno there is no aarch64 support. Where are
> this people publishing aarch64 work in the labs distribution that
> I could fing using "arm64"? What are you talking about?
> But now after all the useful interesting contribution to the list,
> as usual, you have time to even express sarcasm.
> You haven't help me to find anything, you don't have to do it, of
> course, but then don't talk like you have done it.

I've known and observed Charles for a very long time, indeed. I can imagine
how you interpreted what he wrote as you have, but perhaps consider that he
didn't mean what he wrote in the way you have taken it.

A simple question, a fucking simple question and here we go with
> the trolling and the bullshit, I'm done with this fucking list.

Probably for the best.

        - Dan C.

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