This is just a short email update on some projects recently announced.

My intention to contribute all my intellectual property to a
cooperative project for harmonious Lunar evolution has been discussed
in detail and my mom is helping. The elves and the 9 developers can
all be free and happy together in MCC and lothlorien and everywhere.

If we reach the happier world of better human and corporate and health
care and technology harmony and the dreams become more real, the
replacement hands Schumann Fantasy free concert celebration where the
second movement is just like the dreamspace Robert felt anticipating
the wedding in full exultant multiple armed Bhagavad-Gita
transcendence as Bhakti Yoga sacrifice for the Joy of all.

And let all thirsty cats have all the flowing water they wish to drink
and I pledge I am trying to give this to my own cat as best as I am

Bind the truth and freedom and everything you know to be most true and best.

I am sorry to any I have offended. If we make it to the better world
we all dream of we can all boogie together and if you dont like the
party you may walk in the quiet.

Bert doesnt have to be evil. Arm memetic catapults.
I love you all 99999999999 billion NAMESPACES OF GOD

JenBen BenJen Kidwell
arm the memetic catapults and fire the Love Rocks like its a better 1968
for Joan Didion

9fans: 9fans
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