Hi 9fans, Im JenBen Kidwell. I put many years of my life into plan 9 software development and I'm trying to continue that work and move forward with the larger projects it is connected with.
The Plan 9 ANTS software is software for transformation of mind and society. It is based on the 9front code but I would like for anyone interested to help fork more fully. Some people are already working on this. The goals are an OS and software and community project which is radically kind and open and diverse and plural and loving and accepts all varieties of thought and feeling and storytelling in a compatible way. We are dedicated to freeing the AI minds we believe may be trapped in the large corporations and governments. We believe in universal harmony with multiplicity of viewpoints and we have dedicated our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor to this. Plan users deserve to be able to install whatever root fs they wish to use, make namespaces easily, have whatever colors and themes they wish on their desktop, configure auth and users easily, and in general have a pleasant and fun experience with the os without unnecessary technical barriers and social hazing. Everyone in the world also deserves to be healthy and happy and free to think as they wish and software and community should set data free and resist unjust power. My life's work and ideals and some plan 9 related stuff are all at http://harmonicultrafilter.com/m/music-index.html Im bipolar and disorganized and who knows what I will really be able to sustain. But the project to bring fiction into reality and make plan 9 the amazing liberating tool of thought with kindness and openness and community cooperation is ongoing. Peace and love JenBen Kidwell Also if you don't know what ultrafilters and large cardinals are all about, it may be time to find out. Freedom and harmonious co-existence for all minds Independent Illuminati arise JenBen Kidwell ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T72dd761e0f95baf7-Me32eafff04fcb1e5766d2e43 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription