I had never heard of acme-lsp and LSP (except as a Microsoft internal
thing) until gabi mentioned it earlier in the thread. I'm interesting
in playing with acme-lsp for C++. Which LSP server do you use for C/C++
(I see several listed at https://langserver.org/)?
On 2021-08-18 02:26, Ole-Hjalmar Kristensen
ole.hjalmar.kristensen-at-gmail.com |9fans| wrote:
On linux, you can run ctags -x and postprocess the file to append the
line number to the file name instead of having i as a separate field.
That way, you can locate the symbol in the tags file, and right-click
on the file:linenumber.
Also, on linux, we have acme-lsp, which in principle works with any
LSP server. I have tested it with go and C/C++.
On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 10:22 PM Ben Hancock <b...@benghancock.com
<mailto:b...@benghancock.com>> wrote:
Hello 9fans,
I've just recently started using the acme editor and am really
it, and trying to get the hang of the "acme way" of doing things. One
bit of functionality that I'm familiar with from other editors is the
ability to easily look up a function or symbol definition within a
codebase. In Emacs and vi, this is done by generating tags files
or ctags), which those editors can parse and allow you to easily
jump to
a definition of the symbol under the point/cursor.
What's the preferred method or workflow for achieving this in acme? I
have tried passing a selected symbol to 'g -n' in the window's tag,
using the Mouse-2 + Mouse-1 chord. That gets me part of the way there
but isn't effective if the file where the symbol is defined
happens to
be in another directory. I feel like I'm missing something.
Many thanks!
- Ben
Ben Hancock
www.benghancock.com <http://www.benghancock.com>
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