> often switching files, Sam's menus are practically worse than Acme
> The weakest point in sam -d is still switching files, you have to type
> whole filenames


sam will dump a warning about an expected blank, but it'll otherwise
do what you hope for (switch to the open file matching the regex).

> Loading a rc file with a bunch of "fn ...  {" simplifies things quite a lot 
> in general

Seconded on ^ and _ (though I rarely use the latter). I use "bind -b
lib/sam /bin" within sam, though, as I prefer separate files so I can
organize stuff by language and such (e.g. ^c/ind indents . with tabs,
^py/ind indents . with spaces, and language-specific poor-man's
parsing for stuff like selecting the entire body of the function
you're in). Also nice: a lot of my "scripts" just use "#!/bin/sed 1d"
or "#!/bin/sed /^#/d" so they don't need to mess with shell evaluation
at all, e.g.:

mystia% cat lib/sam/d
#!/bin/sed /^#/d
,> diff -c $% /fd/0

(outputs the diff between the buffer and the file -- mostly ends up in

mystia% cat lib/sam/gd
#!/bin/sed /^#/d
!@{cd `{basename -d $%} && git/diff `{basename $%}}

(outputs the git diff of the current file -- mostly ends up in /tmp/sam.err)

- sam-d

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