I don't think the touchscreen technology has figured out how to
distinguish between fingers yet.
The rio environment would need to identify if you were using finger 1, 2
or 3 to tap on something so it would know if it was to move or resize
the window, which context menu to open, etc...
Either that or you would need to replace rio with something more
touchscreen-friendly, in the process losing much of what makes the Plan
9 environment as unique as it is from a user interface perspective.
Most "modern" phones also lack a suitable keyboard to provide reasonable
interaction with the command line (and it can be difficult to type
efficiently on something that small anyway).
On 6/24/21 12:06 AM, Lucio De Re wrote:
The other oddity is the smart mobile computer we like to call a
"phone". Why is there no Plan 9 flavour running on at least some
flavour of it?
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