Hi, I needed recover(4) on windows, I rewrote most if it in go. This go version: - doesn't work on plan9, - can't do authentication (without plan9port's auth in go, iiuc it's hard), - works on windows and on unix where go works, - works on android (in termux), though not very useful at the moment, - works both with or without plan9port, - uses go net.Dial() address format (host:port), - when using without plan9port, it won't clean up socket file after terminating, - needs NAMESPACE set on windows, - it'll default stay in the foreground.
To use this version of recover you'll need 9pserve in your path. If you have plan9port installed, you have 9pserve. If plan9port is not used (eg. on windows, android or on unix without plan9port) you need to go get github.com/fhs/mux9p/cmd/9pserve and put 9pserve executable in your path. To install recover it's just go get github.com/fgergo/recover I use recover+Harvey-os/ufs with tailscale (i.e auth by tailscale is enough) on most home computers (unix, windows, android). It's fun. All devices are accessible from all devices, without remounting 9p servers, ha! (Devices can go away and come back online on a - possibly - different network without any explicit management.) If you'd like to have something similar, here are a few possibly useful instructions: To build harvey-os/ufs on windows: you need to change all 'File' references to 'file' in ninep/filesystem/filesystem_windows.go and then build cmd/ufs On unix and android just go get github.com/Harvey-OS/ninep/cmd/ufs On windows in inferno (or acme-sac), to mount the unix socket of recover, you need to go get github.com/fgergo/us2stdio and put us2stdio.exe in your path to access recover-secured file servers, until inferno on windows can access unix sockets. (Of course in inferno mount -P is working fine.) best, Gergő ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/T1d7bf3c39e885267-M8c882a2295e159758d872702 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription