Bakul Shah wrote in
 |Spinellis has put together a browsable repo based on various source \
 |which I find useful. I keep a local copy as it is under 2GB. All I \

It can even be as small as 

  #?0|kent:unix-hist$ du -sh .
  179M    .

when not including all the new FreeBSD things (for which i at
least track the FreeBSD git repository directly):

  #?0|kent:unix-hist$ cat .git/config
          repositoryformatversion = 0
          filemode = true
          bare = false
          logallrefupdates = true
          precomposeunicode = true
  [remote "origin"]
          url =
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = +refs/heads/386BSD-Release:refs/remotes/origin/386BSD-Release
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = +refs/heads/BSD-Release:refs/remotes/origin/BSD-Release
    fetch = +refs/heads/BSD-SCCS:refs/remotes/origin/BSD-SCCS
    fetch = 
    fetch = +refs/heads/Bell-Release:refs/remotes/origin/Bell-Release
    fetch = +refs/heads/Epoch:refs/remotes/origin/Epoch
    fetch = 
    fetch = +refs/heads/Research-Release:refs/remotes/origin/Research-Release
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 
    fetch = 

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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