I believe all it takes is the presence of recover.bin file on the dos partition. You still need an updated eeprom image for it to flash the real eeprom with but preparing this image doesn't require any h/w access. Unless things have changed in the last year.
> On Jan 16, 2021, at 1:24 PM, Skip Tavakkolian <skip.tavakkol...@gmail.com> > wrote: > > regarding /dev/serial, this should be helpful for anyone wanting to set up > netboot. > > If you have a number of RPI's that netboot, the way that the common > config.txt is segmented for each board is by using the '[serial number in > hex]' section headers. Unfortunately, netboot also requires changing the > BOOT_ORDER parameter in EEPROM, which requires access to /dev/mmcblk* and > some way of generating the proper .bin format. So Linux is still needed for > the initial setup. > > On Sat, Jan 16, 2021 at 9:13 AM Richard Miller <9f...@hamnavoe.com > <mailto:9f...@hamnavoe.com>> wrote: > > I didn't realise the 9pi image was not up to date. > > I'll put a new one on 9p.io <http://9p.io/> today. > > I've done that. Sorry for letting it get out of sync with the kernel source. > > The new contrib/miller/9pi.img.gz has > - the latest firmware files from the raspberry pi github > - the update to initialise xhci firmware for pi400 and recent pi4 boards > - a tweak to the pi4 gigabit ethernet driver to allow jumbo packets > - a new /dev/serial device from which you can read the board serial number (I > forget why) > > Nothing outside the kernel has changed from the previous image. > > > > > ------------------------------------------ > 9fans: 9fans > Permalink: > https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tfcf12cca3a14dc8a-M6d02f52b317dd7989854d801 > > <https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tfcf12cca3a14dc8a-M6d02f52b317dd7989854d801> > Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription > <https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription> > 9fans <https://9fans.topicbox.com/latest> / 9fans / see discussions > <https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans> + participants > <https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/members> + delivery options > <https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription>Permalink > <https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tfcf12cca3a14dc8a-Mc3da71e0e76edae80cc21b17> ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tfcf12cca3a14dc8a-M4df905923fb217a0834ea1f0 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription