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On 10/8/20, o...@eigenstate.org <o...@eigenstate.org> wrote:
>> I'm curious as to why you would say that.
> Well, the section of the site that describes
> how to best operate a plan 9 dns server seems
> to have gone offline.
There's a difference between Wes making a tangential suggestion (I did
complain about how the structure of the Internet is unravelling) and
Kurt countermanding that precise suggestion.
A lot like a religious shaman trying to tell me what it means to be an
atheist. I will grant that it confirms what I believe about Kurt and
in some sense it is reassuring that Kurt remains true to his
personality. Hell, folks, so many of us have practically grown old on
this forum, are we ever going to mellow out at least a bit?

So, on a lighter note: for all my dislike of multi-media and how it
has taken over the Internet, I find youtube's collection of music from
my teens very enjoyable, in some kind of extreme nostalgia - and the
comments from many others who mirror my sentiments also somewhat
reassuring (I believe critics call that an "echo chamber"); that's my
own idea of "mellowing".

On another, weirdly related note, I wonder if anyone else who may be
following developments of the Go language have noted the recent shift
from email identities that at least resemble human names and surnames
to the most extraordinary monikers. I have been subscribed to gerrit's
stream of change requests for quite a while and the change has really
given me cause for concern. I do plan to stop receiving those
notifications as soon as I can figure how to unsubscribe in bulk.

My heart goes out to Russ, Rob and Ian Taylor as well as the many
others who need to deal with that flow of consciousness.


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