Thanks, auth/debug was indeed useful.
Somehow I missed the authdom= entry in /lib/ndb/local and it was
complaining that it could not find an auth server for my authdom.
I added that and rebooted, and now all is well.
On 9/4/20 11:38 PM, wrote:
Thanks, that is what I was missing - I had them on separate lines.
Now I need to puzzle through this "tlsclient: auth_proxy: auth_proxy rpc
write: interrupted" error whenever I try to use rcpu to connect back to
the server as a different user (from a drawterm connection). If I just
"rcpu" by itself it works, but "rcpu -u glenda" for example gives me
that error.
First, make sure that your auth server is actually set up and found
correctly -- auth/debug can help here. Note that you'll probably be
able to auth as hostowner even if your auth server is misconfigured.
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