Hi. I'm migrating my 9legacy machines to GCP but my auth/cpu servers can't get root from the fileserver. Is there someone that is using full system Plan 9 on GCP?
Notes: - DHCP of VPC network on GCP sends ipmask=/32 options to that client. - If ipmask is /32 then ip/ipconfig ignores it. - Therefore each instance can't reach other instances in the same region. In my experience, the communications works only if /net/ipifc is configured from /lib/ndb/local by ip/ipconfig -N, its ipmask is /20, and it is added to /net/iproute manually that the routes to other instances, but in this case, the cpu/auth servers couldn't reach to the fs because nothing to add the routes before getting root. -- kadota ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tc21c3dd261e604cf-M53efe4336a8f0fdd8a4cd0ed Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription