Hi Dan! Just a note - you can only send plaintext emails to the 9front
mailing list, as a spyware prevention measure. It's likely what hung
you up.

On Fri, May 1, 2020 at 6:20 AM Daniel Morandini via 9fans
<9fans@9fans.net> wrote:
> Dear ori,
> thank you for the reply! First, the boot problem has been resolved with 
> cinap’s answer, the mice problem persists though.
> > 1) You're likely to get better results on the 9front mailing
> >   list. (9fr...@9front.org)
> I did actually, but I always get an error message back (containing only my 
> message actually, and some protocol information) when I try to send. I’m 
> subscribed to the list though, I can receive.
> > cpu% sha1sum 9front.pi.img
> > ffb9f6569c7c239a58f0e6e508aac9d2418333af        9front.pi.img
> We got something on this ori!
> % shasum -a 1 9front-7408.1d345066125a.pi.img
> d058861d64b02fd2d068f94b8f398e1a559c579c  9front-7408.1d345066125a.pi.img
> > From what I understand, the difference there is that 9front
> > will parse the HID descriptor, while 9legacy will hardcode
> > the boot protocol. There are a number of places that this can
> > be going wrong -- from bad HID descriptors to power brownouts
> > to USB bugs.
> > As far as the mouse: First question -- does it work if you
> > plug it into a PC? (You can test with a USB stick). If it
> > fails there, then it's likely a problem with HID parsing.
> It does. With PC you mean microsoft? Anyway, I just tested out and it works 
> on macOS 10.15, Windows 10, 9legacy.
> > Second question: Does it work with a powered USB hub? If
> > yes, then it's likely to be the Pi's power limitations.
> > Third question: Does it work with a different mouse?
> > If not, then it'll take more work to investigate.
> I have just another mouse here, a nacon gaming mouse. It requires 5v though 
> and it does not work on any rpi I have. I don’t have powered USB hub here for 
> testing, but I can find one if needed!
> Tell me what I can do to help you more.
> jecoz

Have a good day,

Marshall Conover

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