I am curious about the problems you have with your Linux Mint. I have been
running a relatively large (6 TB max) venti on an old Toshiba laptop with
Intel core 2 processor running Bunsenlabs (Debian) the last couple of
years. It was migrated from a 2 TB venti running on an old Pentium 4 box
with 1 GB running Crunchbang (Debian), when that one ran out of space. Both
installations have been used for backup of various other systems, including
my Linux Mint laptop, my Linux file server, and a 9front installation, and
I have experienced no problems at all with respect to throughput. I have a
fairly sub-optimal config with everything on a single disk:

index sdc-6tb
arenas /dev/sdc1
isect /dev/sdc2
bloom /dev/sdc3
mem 100M
bcmem 200M
icmem 400M

What kind of write speed are you seeing?

On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 1:34 PM Lucio De Re <lucio.d...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 3/18/20, Steven Stallion <sstall...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [ ...]
> >
> > I've had a lot of luck using venti from plan9port with fossil running
> > natively on my plan9 fileserver. I keep a directory on sources (now
> > 9p.io) with some notes and example scripts on how to make this work:
> > http://9p.io/sources/contrib/stallion/venti/. The biggest benefit to
> > this configuration is it makes offsite backups a breeze from the Linux
> > host.
> >
> Nice stuff, Steven. I found my small Linuxmint workstation not up to
> the task, the worst symptom being that shutting venti down takes a
> very long time, tens of minutes, I think. It didn't matter when the
> host was on all the time, but of late power blackouts have made that
> untenable.
> What I wish to contribute here is that using an external drive and
> configuring it as a raw image allows it to be used (I presume even
> shared) between Venti hosts. My most recent (and pretty old)
> configuration is this:
> $ cat sdb.conf
> index   main
> isect   /dev/sdb3:0k-20774910k
> arenas  /dev/sdb3:20774911k-418906111k
> bloom   /dev/sdb3:418906112k-419430400k
> mem     80m
> bcmem   160m
> icmem   256m
> addr    tcp!*!venti
> httpaddr        tcp!*!8008
> Sadly, there is at least one damaged block and I did not have the
> foresight to set the drive up as a mirror or better.  It is not
> critical, but that would be helpful.
> The equally low priority problem I mentioned in the past: vacfs on p9p
> truncates all large files on reading. Cinap suggested checking for
> mixed-size pointer/integer types, but that becomes a mission. Still,
> it is worth doing.
> The native version of vacfs works flawlessly and mounts quite
> successfully under p9p.
> Lucio.

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