Thank you!

When I tried bringing it up as a cpu server with auth enabled it did indeed make it past the errors.

I'll see if I can work things out from there.

On 12/16/19 2:27 PM, wrote:
i believe that this is due to running a with service=terminal.
this causes factotum to be started as a client with no keys in it.

the p9any auth protocol starts by the server presenting a set of
keys, auth domains and protocols, which you wont have in this
case (no keys there). which is most likely the reason the whole
thing fails.

if you boot your fileserver with service=cpu, then when factotum starts
it will prompt you for authid and password which will be the credentials
of the hostowner (of the fileserver) which should have to match what you
have on the authentication server. this information can be stored in
nvram to avoid the prompt on boot.

even if it doesnt match the auth key for (that user) on the authserver,
the fileserver should be able to boot and mount its root filesystem
as factotum talks to itself in this scenario and having the same keys
on both sides.

its just about to fail when there are no keys at all.

i hope this makes sense.


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