On 11/23/19, hiro <23h...@gmail.com> wrote: > i'm not sure you got sl's philosophy here. of course he will deny i > do, but here's my interpretation anyway: the public generally seems to > frown upon technology. people don't even want products any more. all > they need is a flashy name. a future idea to be had. just buy another > app, download it. don't even use it. try it out another day when it is > actually more convenient for you. > This here is a "Plan 9 contributors mutual admiration society" mailing list, a lot like a very large marriage; with all the thorns that complement the occasional budding rose and all the pain the hopefully rare divorce brings.
Somebody coming along to promote 9front as the real heir to some totally inappropriate throne, to lord it over a scattering of communities that like to play with the one exotic toy they managed to salvage when they escaped from the clutches of Bill Gates first and Linus Torvalds second, well, that someone should at least show some manners. Failing which, I think it is reasonable for them to get escoriated, as there seem to be few if any other mechanism for the local team supporters to express their annoyance. Of course, I presume none of us "bitter old hypocrites (of the male variety)" - as Aram seems to have felt a need to label us - would risk trying to bully the 9front mailing list participants, in our frailty. Nevertheless, maybe just pointing out that bullying is so 1980s will have some positive effect, at least for a couple of days. Lucio. ------------------------------------------ 9fans: 9fans Permalink: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/Tf27e6479d8812712-M7cd89987805a71d8569d2470 Delivery options: https://9fans.topicbox.com/groups/9fans/subscription