> The survey seems more cute than useful. E.g. there's a *big* difference 
> between
> "travel a couple of hours" and "anywhere.".. I wouldn't consider travel to the
> US... whereas I would consider travel to Europe...

That's a good point. A ranked-choice deal based on locations would be better.
Like you said, this is best just for a first-pass headcount - and
having the countries
people are in + their answer of how far they'd like to travel should
hopefully help give
a head-start on getting the list of actual potential venues down for
later polls. I also
have no idea what I'm doing.

> I would be willing to kick in some $$$ to help pay to have the event streamed.

Streaming is a great idea! One person's suggested they'd like to have coding
going through the event as well, so that may also be a good way to keep
tele-attenders involved.

In the mean time, thanks for all who've voted so far! I figure I'll
give it a day and then
send the results out and see what people think.


On Sat, Oct 26, 2019 at 3:28 PM Lyndon Nerenberg <lyn...@orthanc.ca> wrote:
> > In that vein, here's a poll: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VJNQYGC
> The survey seems more cute than useful. E.g. there's a *big*
> difference between "travel a couple of hours" and "anywhere."  And
> even though it's close by, I wouldn't consider travel to the US (a
> couple of hours) due to the insanity involved in getting through
> US immigration, whereas I would consider travel to Europe (~9 hours).
> Asia would be out, due to travel time and cost.
> But as a general gauge of initial interest it's certainly useful.
> Sadly, while I'd love to go, 2020 doesn't look like a year where
> I'll be doing much travelling :-(  But I would be willing to kick
> in some $$$ to help pay to have the event streamed.
> --lyndon

Have a good day,

Marshall Conover

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