Fri, Oct 5, 2018 at 12:11 AM Mayuresh Kathe <> wrote: > man, i experienced such heavy negativity towards my efforts to build ... > > the idea was to have a 64-bit linux kernel with the advantages of > plan9port (small and elegantly designed+developed tools).
Mayuresh, To echo what others have said, don't let the negativity itself affect your work. Consider only the technical points that have been raised. To the extent that you evaluate them and consider them relevant to your objectives, factor them into your work. It really doesn't matter if anyone else ever cares about or uses your work. If you learn from it, get intellectual satisfaction from it, and it's useful to you, then it's worth doing. If others can benefit too, great, but lack of interest on the part of others is not a good reason for lack of initiative on your part. As far as I can tell, I'm the only one using a file system I developed. Sure, in some ways I would like if everyone thought it was as great as I do, but just because they don't doesn't stop me from benefitting from it. As for the specifics of your project, I personally don't think I'd be all that interested in the results. As much as I like the elegance and simplicty of the implementation of the Plan 9 user-land, much of the beauty of the system comes from the simplicity and elegance of the kernel. So if I were using the Plan 9 user-land on top of the LInux kernel, I wouldn't feel the same sense of beauty, intellectual satisfaction, and connection to the original developers as I do running the same user-land on the Plan 9 kernel. But just because I wouldn't be interested is no reason to stop your research. Just be sure to study the similar efforts that have come before and that have been mentioned here. What did they accomplish? Did they go wrong somewhere? Can you get to that goal avoiding those mistakes? If nothing else, the whole experience will almost certainly give you a greater appreciation for the Plan 9 kernel. Just a couple of thoughts from an old-timer who misses the days of working on PDP-11s. BLS