> This looks like it fits the bill: open, small, simple. How was it formally 
> verified?


> How can I help with the compiler port?

Compiling & testing lots of library code would likely reveal remaining
bugs.  Also it might be useful to adapt the arm soft floating point
code to use on RISC-V cores without hardware fp (like picorv32 or
HiFive1).  A 64-bit version of the compiler might also be of interest.
Contact me off-list to join in.

> Which fpga board do you recommend?

I use the myStorm BlackIce
https://www.tindie.com/products/Folknology/blackice-ii/ with a Lattice
ICE40 FPGA.  Not as powerful as altera or xilinx, but it works with
yosys (Clifford's open-source verilog toolchain).

For experimenting with a real RISC-V ASIC there's HiFive1 (has hardly
any RAM so small embedded projects only). The HiFive Unleashed should
be capable of running Plan 9 but will be expensive.

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