On Sun, 26 Feb 2017 18:25:34 GMT Charles Forsyth <charles.fors...@gmail.com> wrote: > > It's curious that svn "corrupts" the repository, if that's really what they > mean, when two leaf files collide. > An index or directory colliding with a file would be more understandable.
The only known collision is for files. I suspect this was seen as a "can't happen" event so may be dealing with the error was not done right. You can read the report: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=168774 > > Venti detects a collision on the attempt to write the second copy if that > > differs from the earlier one stored (error "store collision"). The earlier > > copy is untouched (venti anyway is write-once per score). Good to know at least it /detects/ score collisions. The concern would be that one of two colliding files *can't* be archived and it will be lost. We only have one example so it is not a big deal right now. > > Fossil doesn't handle it well, because it turns up during archiving and > > ends up marking the archive attempt as failed, but it will try again. > > Meanwhile, you've got time to change fossil to check the venti error > > return for "score collision" and announce it, loudly, discarding the second > > one. Hopefully the two versions can co-exist on fossil? > > Obviously if you care about something, make sure your version is in venti > > first! Chances are that collisions arise from naughty people tricking you > > later. Probably. Or may be you are doing research on collsions?!