> I was wondering whether the changes made
> by Mr. Miller for supporting the Raspberry Pi were getting folded
> back into a source tree available via means other than those with
> an active plan9 system (I see references to  /n/sources/contrib/miller
> which I assume is a 9fs mount).

You can also use a web browser to access /n/sources; it's mapped to
http://plan9.bell-labs.com/sources (when the server isn't down).

Source for all the raspberry pi kernel changes is kept up to date in

> ... I couldn't find anything discussing whether other
> hardware was supported (e.g., the built-in wifi on the Pi 3).

The Broadcom 43430 wifi chip on the pi3 turns out to be functionally
almost the same as the 4330, for which I had written a driver some
time ago for another platform.  The client who commissioned that work
has generously agreed to its release, so 9piwifi support will appear
shortly.  (The driver is working but WPA authentication needs a few

I can also supply bluetooth code for the pi3 if anyone is interested.

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