Congratulations, Skip and all contributors! Personal clouds (*truly* personal clouds) are the future.

Any prospects for certificate authentication as an alternative to oauth2?


On 07/07/2015 02:00 PM, Skip Tavakkolian wrote:
Hello 9fans,

I'm pleased to announce the availability of the 9P Cloud service
(  The service lets users create secure,
distributed file systems instantly, utilizing only HTML5 browsers.
I've included the link to a short "Introduction to 9P Cloud" video.

The backend is written in Go, and runs on a custom Plan 9 kernel.  The
service uses OAuth2 authentication; currently Google and Facebook are
supported.  The 9P server and client are written in JavaScript and
require support for HTML5 Filesystem and WebSocket APIs in the

9P Cloud would not be possible without the great work of many, some of
whom are on this list.  It should be a source of pride for the Plan 9
community, Go Authors and other open source projects (Skeleton,
Font-Awesome, Google Fonts).  Thank you all for your creations.


Introduction to 9P Cloud


Wes Kussmaul
The Authenticity Institute
738 Main Street
Waltham, MA 02451

office +1 781 790 1674
mobile +1 781 330 1881

THIS COMMUNICATION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE PERSON TO WHOM IT IS ADDRESSED. If it was addressed incorrectly there's not much I can do but ask you politely to pretend you didn't see it. Any disclaimer suggesting that the sender has some kind of recourse is just wishful thinking.

If I had a message from you that was digitally signed using your Sigillum™ identity credential from the Osmio Vital Records Department (, we could easily and at no cost exchange encrypted messages and files with each other.

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