Thanks to Erik, who helped with squashing a decent number of bugs.

On Sun, 4 Jan 2015 00:59:00 -0800
Ori Bernstein <> wrote:

> Myrddin is a language that I put together for fun, but which has developed
> delusions of usefulness. It's a complete reinvention of the wheel, from the
> ground up. Some of the major things you'll notice about it:
>     - Type inference. Types are inferred across the whole program.
>     - Algebraic data types.
>     - And their friend, pattern matching.
>     - Generics.
>     - A package system.
>     - Low level control over memory and such.
>     - (Almost) no runtime library.
>     - Self contained.
> For more details, you can look at the language website:
> Myrddin has been ported to Plan 9/amd64, tested on 9front. I haven't been able
> to get 9atom's amd64 kernel to boot on virtual hardware yet, so it hasn't been
> tested there.
> The compiler and libstd should build out of the box using the provided
> mkfiles. The libs used for mbld currently need either mbld or gnu make in
> order to build, or you can run myrbuild by hand. I've provided a script that
> does the latter.
> Almost all Plan 9 system calls are directly supported in libsys.
> As with Linux/Unix, only amd64 targets are supported at the moment.
> To bootstrap the code on Plan 9, the following script is provided:
> You can grab the script and run it as follows:
>       ; hget > getmyr.rc
>       ; chmod +x getmyr.rc
>       ; getmyr.rc
>       ...a lot of cloning and building happens...
>       ; sam helloworld.myr
> For ease of hacking on Plan 9, I've added mercurial mirrors of the
> compiler and some libraries to bitbucket:
> There are a number of TODOs, of course:
>       - Libdate needs to learn how to parse Plan 9 timezone files.
>       - Libstd needs to get a smarter allocator for large allocations.
>       - More libraries: lib9p, libdraw, etc... all need to be written.
>       - A bit more thought needs to be given nicer, portable APIs.
>       - More Plan 9 integration.
> And general work to get Myrddin to the point of day to day usability,
> int terms of faster binaries, more libraries, and so on.
> Still, if anyone finds this interesting/useful -- have at it. If you
> manage to do something neat, let me know!
> -- 
> Ori Bernstein <>

Ori Bernstein <>

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