Sigh.  I had hoped to have the official beta out by now.
But systemd and my project computer are not getting along
well and I have reached that point in the calendar when
I'll not be able to do much for a couple weeks.  So I guess
I must "release early and often" at this juncture.  I still
need to finish cleaning up screen shots and commentary in
the Plan 9 sections and after the hiatus, yet another dress
rehearsal will be needed that always necessitates tweaks
to the commentary.

However, this early release offers the Overview Section
for the first time and black on white style including
screen shots, as well as a revamped Section 2 updated to
install from the beta 1 Jessie Installer (with its
default systemd init).

You really should be able to get this to work.  My
problem seems to be isolated to my computer--nobody else
is having it (neither was I until the end of last week) --
and it can be fixed after the fact.

I'm looking forward to your feedback and especially your
success stories. (the alpha remains
as the offical release but is all ways this early beta
is better).
<not cent from sell>
May the LORD God bless you exceedingly abundantly!

"So the universe is not quite as you thought it was.
 You'd better rearrange your beliefs, then.
 Because you certainly can't rearrange the universe."

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