Dear 9ers,
Here is my first contribution.
AFAIK, there is no installer yet for the Rasbperry Pi port.
Moreover, the Raspberry Pi can only boot from the one SD card (not from
This makes the classical installer design (boot from a removable
device, install on the fixed disk) impractical.
A solution would be to start with a given installation (e.g., Richard
Miller's bootable image), use an SD-to-USB adapter and clone the disk.
This has the following advantages:
- the new disk can be used at full capacity (not only 2GB or so in the
original image);
- the installation can be done without the need of an additional system
(a PC to write the image or even a virtual machine as proposed by
The attached script clones a Raspberry Pi Plan9 Fossil installation to
an SD disk connected via such a USB adapter.
If the device is recognised as "sdUXX", call "piclone sdUXX".
I have no idea where this utility belongs to.
It is IMHO too specific to be placed under arm/bin.
For this reason, I attach the file in stead of sending a patch(1).
I hope it helps and it will find it's way into Plan9 (or at least to
Mr. Miller's image :-).
DISCLAIMER: There might be bugs.
Kind Regards,
# This program clones a Raspberry Pi Plan9 installation onto another storage
# Use a USB adapter for SD cards in order to write another SD card.
# The storage device will be used at its full capacity, in contrast to the
downloadable image.
# Moreover, no additional computer is required for the installation.
# This program makes some assumptions that are specific to the Raspberry Pi
# The only parameter is the name of the destination drive.
# The program will not ask for further input.
# You can of course use the USB adapter for SD cards to write the downloadable
# The bootstrap cannot access a DOS partition embedded into a Plan9 partition
# The sd(3) driver cannot serve volumes from a partition table: we use
partfs(8) instead.
# Con(1) needs a certain number of empty lines in the input in order to read
all server answers.
fn check {
if( ! ~ $1 '' ) {
echo We encountered an error and must stop here.
echo Status: $1.
exit 13
if(! test $#* -eq 1) {
echo Usage: '''piclone sdUY.Z''' creates a Raspberry9 system on sdUY.Z.
if(! test -d /dev/$disk) {
echo No such device: $disk.
# Make shure there is no disk configuration left.
echo ........ Null the disk configuration.
dd -if /dev/zero -of /dev/$disk/data -count 1024 >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
# the default MBR without boot code suffices for the Pi.
echo ........ Install MBR.
disk/mbr /dev/$disk/data >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
# We need a real DOS partition.
# The Raspberry Pi boot mechanism cannot cope with the 9FAT partition embedded
in the plan9 one.
echo ........ Create DOS partition for booting.
disk/fdisk -b /dev/$disk/data >[1=] >[2=] <<EOF
a p0 0 16
t p0 FAT32
A p0
check $status
echo ........ Create a Plan9 partition with default parameters.
disk/fdisk -wa /dev/$disk/data >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
# sd(3) does not serve disk partitions: use partfs(8).
if( ! test -e /dev/$disk/dos ) {
echo ........ Start partfs to serve partitions.
disk/partfs -d $disk /dev/$disk/data >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Reconfigure device.
disk/fdisk -p /dev/$disk/data >/dev/$disk/ctl >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Plan9 partition: install MBR.
disk/mbr /dev/$disk/plan9 >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Plan9 partition: subdivide.
disk/prep -wb -a nvram -a fossil /dev/$disk/plan9 >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Plan9 partition: reconfigure device.
disk/prep -p /dev/$disk/plan9 >/dev/$disk/ctl >[2=]
check $status
echo Partitions on $disk:
cat /dev/$disk/ctl
echo ........ Format DOS partition.
disk/format -d -r2 /dev/$disk/dos >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Format Fossil partition.
fossil/flfmt -y /dev/$disk/fossil >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
if( ! test -e /srv/dos ){
echo ........ Start DOS server.
dossrv >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Start server for old Fossil partition.
cat >/env/flproto <<EOF
srv -p fscons.old
srv fossil.old
fsys main config /dev/sdM0/fossil
fsys main open -aAVP
fsys main
fossil/fossil -c '. /env/flproto' >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Start server for new Fossil partition.
cat >/env/flproto <<EOF
srv -p
fsys main config /dev/$disk/fossil
fsys main open -aAVWP
fsys main
fossil/fossil -c '. /env/flproto' #>[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Mount old DOS partition.
mount -c /srv/dos /n/dos.old /dev/sdM0/dos >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Mount new DOS partition.
mount -c /srv/dos /n/ /dev/$disk/dos >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Mount old Fossil partition.
mount -c /srv/fossil.old /n/fossil.old >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Mount new Fossil partition.
mount -c /srv/ /n/ >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Create users file on new Fossil partition.
# create default
con /srv/ >[1=] >[2=] <<EOF
create /active/adm adm sys d775
check $status
# copy
cp -gux /n/fossil.old/adm/users /n/
check $status
con /srv/ >[1=] >[2=] <<EOF
users -r /active/adm/users
check $status
echo ........ Copy boot files.
cp -gux /n/dos.old/* /n/ >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Copy system: please be VERY patient.
disk/mkfs -a -s /n/fossil.old /sys/lib/sysconfig/proto/allproto | disk/mkext
-u -v -d /n/ >[2=1] | tee /tmp/xxx
echo ........ Status: $status.
echo ........ Unmount old DOS partition.
unmount /n/dos.old >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Unmount new DOS partition.
unmount /n/ >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Unmount old Fossil partition.
unmount /n/fossil.old >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Stop server for old Fossil partition.
con /srv/fscons.old >[1=] >[2=] <<EOF
srv -d fossil.old
srv -d fscons.old
check $status
echo ........ Unmount new Fossil partition.
unmount /n/ >[1=] >[2=]
check $status
echo ........ Stop server for new Fossil partition.
con /srv/ >[1=] >[2=] <<EOF
srv -d
srv -d
check $status
echo ......... Kill fossil.
kill fossil | rc >[1=] >[2=]
rm /srv/fossil.old >[1=] >[2=]
rm /srv/fscons.old >[1=] >[2=]
rm /srv/ >[1=] >[2=]
rm /srv/ >[1=] >[2=]
echo ........ Write persistent Fossil configuration.
fossil/conf -w /dev/$disk/fossil >[1=] >[2=] <<EOF
fsys main config
fsys main open -aAV
fsys main snaptime -a none -s 60 -t 172800
fsys main
users -r /active/adm/users
check $status
echo ........ DONE