This mail is just in case someone is thinking on setting a venti server
or just install plan9port in NetBSD64.  I know is a p9p matter, but I've
saw a lot of people on this list using p9p to serve venti and even fossil
for their Plan9 machines.  If this is a bad behavior on the mailing list,
please let me know!

The torture begins...

        install netbsd32_compat40.
        Compile p9p in netbsd-4.0 i386 (needs perl), and move to the 64
        machine, in the same path or change $PLAN9/lib/moveplan9.files.
        I'll use /emul/netbsd32/usr/local/plan9port

        cp i386's to /emul/netbsd32/lib and soft link to:
        create /etc/
        create ptys:
        # cd /dev
        # sh MAKEDEV opty
        Edit .profile
                export PLAN9=/emul/netbsd32/usr/local/plan9port
                export PATH=$PATH:$PLAN9/bin
        Edit _default in /etc/man.conf

        venti must use files:
                venti/fmtarenas: can't open partition /dev/cgd2a: can't 
determine size of partition /dev/cgd2a
        Don't use tcp!*!venti, errors about  best use 
tcp!your_ip!venti.  The same for http.
        Problems with rc, for example executing scripts like man:
                $ man venti
                rc (/emul/netbsd32/usr/local/plan9port/bin/rc): null list in 
        This is a problem of NetBSD's compatibility mode.  Works fine in i386 
        Don't use shells/rc !!, from 's man page:
              The  Tenth  Edition  rc does not have the else keyword.  Instead, 
if is
       optionally followed by an if not clause which is executed if  the  pre-
       ceding if test does not succeed.
       For  .   file,  the  Tenth Edition rc searches $path for file.  This rc
       does not, since it is not considered useful.
       Install 9base's rc:
          $ git clone git://
          $ cd 9base; make
          $ mkdir $PLAN9/etc
          $ cp rc/rc $PLAN9/bin; cp rc/rcmain $PLAN9/etc

So the equation is something like:

Venti + NetBSD64 = netbsd32_compat40 + p9p from i386 4.0 + 9base's rc

I hope in the future I can add '= Plan9' to this mess.


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