Hi Ruslan,

This is so awesome!

I was first afraid of breaking something because I needed a
non-trivial amount of force opening the T400 up.

But the casing seems to be very flexible and durable -- a
screw driver did the trick.

My new 'lobotomized' T400 works like a charm.

Thank you for this!!


Am 18.06.14 16:37, schrieb Ruslan Khusnullin:
I posted a question about the mouse in 2013:

From: Ruslan Khusnullin <ruslan.khusnullin@gma...>
Subject: Logitech T400 mouse with Plan9 and Plan9port Acme
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2013 17:38:40 +0400

Considering how difficult it is to find a new usb mouse with 3 real
buttons I'm looking for workarounds. I have a Contour Mouse Perfit and
I enjoy it a lot but buying a new Contour Mouse is expensive and very
difficult in terms of shipping when you live in Russia, Contour just
don't ship it.

I see there are few new "touch scroll" mice in stores and one of them
Logitech T400 looks not bad to me. Unfortunately they don't have wired
version but the "touch scroll" feels like a "styled 3rd button".

Did anyone had a chance to test Logitech T400 mouse? Does it's middle
"touch scroll" work as a normal B2? Does it react on soft accidental
touch? Is it configurable?

Thanks in advance.

And today I'm happy to tell you that I have this mouse working as

I bought it, liked that it has "3 buttons", but the sensor "touch
zone" was distracting, unusual B2 placement and accidental scrolls.
This mouse has strange buttons arrangement:

O 8 O

Left "O" is B1, right "O" is B3, "8" is touch zone, it really has two
"buttons", upper zone is "Start menu" (for ms windows 8 os), bottom
zone is B2.

So it was uncomfortable to make chords. What I wanted is to disable
"touch zone" (lose scrolling) and have B2 in upper zone instead of
bottom. For long time I searched for Logitech Unifying protocol
description, tried to reassign keys, no luck. Then thought that I can
take mouse firmware, change it somehow and upload fixed firmware back.
Today I opened the mouse case to look what electronics are in there
and found that bottom zone of "touch zone" doesn't have a real button,
there is one button for middle button, mouse just emits another button
signal when "sees" that press was made on upper zone of "touch zone".

So I just removed cable between "touch zone" and "main part" of mouse
electronics and voila! Now I have a quite comfortable wireless mouse
with 3 real buttons that act as good old 3 buttons and no scroll, and
is still in stocks. I recommend this mouse (with the hack I described)
to everyone who wants a new mouse with real 3 buttons for Plan 9 and
Plan9port Acme, Sam, etc. Working fine with 9Pi too.

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