somebody referred me to the discussion. Sometimes we found people wanted to build on their existing OS (Linux, OSX, whatever) in a cross-build way, and, further, didn't want to do that in a VM, because they had tools they liked. is the last snapshot of the Sandia/BL fork, and it has scripts and instructions to crossbuild it all on Linux. It's not elegant but it works. At the time, we used Gerrit and Jenkins for our control and validation. For each commit, gerrit would kick off a jenkins run, which would do the full build from scratch, boot in qemu, and run a set of regression tests. Gerrit would -1 the patch if the jenkins pass did not work. Full build, starting from nothing, of tools, libs, bin, kernels, was about two minutes on Linux. If you added gs into the mix, it was more like 4 minutes IIRC. Ran fine on amd64. Also, from the Akaros side, we've extended the Plan 9 MSI code to support MSI-X and tested it on real hardware; works fine. This allowed us to stop worrying about ACPI; you don't need it if you do MSI-X. Relief! And MSI-X is in some ways easier than MSI. There's also a first cut at a vm device. I realize there's no love lost for Akaros in this group, but you're welcome to the code. I've also started porting oprofile into Akaros in a way that would allow its use in Plan 9. We need to substantially improve the TCP stack (which comes from Plan 9). One suggestion I'd like to float here: the LPL is a problem for both BSD and GPL worlds (see Theo's notes from 2003 on that issue). It might be useful for new from-scratch software to be released under 3-clause BSD; or under the Inferno license for that matter. In other words, if you don't have to use the LPL, use 3-clause BSD instead. One person has already very kindly allowed us to use their drivers in Akaros with the LPL replaced with 3-clause BSD. Anyway, congrats on the GSOC and good luck. ron