I suggested porting rtlsdr library for a GSoC project, but not takers;  if
anyone is interested in collaborating on this let me know. the majority of
the work is moving the library off of libusb and replacing the pthread junk
with thread(2).

rtlsdr handles any DVB-T receiver that uses the RTL2832U -- including the
product from adafruit (btw, i have two of them and they work great with
linux and mac os x).  you can do AM, FM and a lot more. i am using them for
receiving ADSB and ACARS data.


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Bakul Shah <ba...@bitblocks.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 08 May 2014 12:06:11 BST "Steve Simon" <st...@quintile.net> wrote:
> >
> > A little radio app for plan9. This has few features and may not
> > seem worth the effort to some but it is planned to be the basis for
> > an embedded radio device so it needs a little GUI and user interface.
> >
> > Currently I use this at work every day, the radio appliance has
> > stalled for now but should restart soon.
> Nice!
> Looks like you forgot to include json.h
> What DAC are you planning to use? And display?
> The PiTFT touchscreen display looks interesting.
> I need to find time to play with a couple of toys:
> 1. A software defined radio receiver. This may not be very
>    straightforward as it goes through the dreaded USB.
>    http://www.adafruit.com/product/1497
> 2. A GPS device, interfaces via a 9600 baud link.
>    My goal is to have a stratum one clock.
>    http://www.adafruit.com/products/746

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