On 7 May 2014 22:38, <s...@9front.org> wrote:

> Maybe the
> code is not really secret, but is instead held up somewhere
> in the coordination process.
> For years, and years, and years at a time.

It's worth remembering that the only reason there was ANY available
code for the amd64, and initial kernel code to boot, was because
(1) the amd64 compiler suite, (2) the source for the amd64-specific bits of
the library,
(3) the modifications to make the whole source compile and run in 64 bits
(and not just amd64 but any one), (4) the source for the prototype amd64
(5) the source for the several versions of the experimental development nix,
and a lot more besides was published. in the 6a/6c/6l/libc case, i did the
initial compiler suite and libraries, and a chunk of the 64-bit clean-up,
andthat was indeed available years and years and years ago
(about 2005/6, i think). others contributed the other things on the list.
i can't help think that availability helped the other projects along a bit.

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