On Sun Mar 16 12:06:39 EDT 2014, szymon.olewnic...@rid.pl wrote:

> Hi,
> today I've tried to boot plan9 on my computer. Sadly withou a success.
> I'm attaching screenshot of my computer after typing ctrl+t ctrl+t p.
> Do you know is going on? How can I fix it? I woud like to run Plan 9
> before 21.03 in order to see how it's working and put an application to some
> of the GSoC project :)

well, it looks like it can't find anything in #S, which is the generic disk
driver.  this means your hardware wasn't recognized.  if you can boot
the 9atom usb installer, even if you can't see the disks, maybe we can
see what's wrong.  i'd like to see the output of "pci|grep disk".

the usb installer is here


just bunzip2 the image, and dd the result to a usb stick that's at least

this information should give enough information to yield a patch
to the distribution, and will satisfy gsoc by itself.

- erik

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