unfortunately virtualbox "shared folders" would require a special driver
[1] on the guest (i.e. Plan 9) os. the easier route is to figure out the
network and then use cifs (SMB client on plan9) or sftpfs to import the
host windows folders into plan 9. this is the recommended method [2] in
virtualbox documentation.

[1] https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch04.html#sharedfolders
[2] https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Sharing_files_on_OSE

On Sun, Mar 9, 2014 at 1:28 AM, Steve Foster <steve...@outlook.com> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I'm new here and to plan 9.
> I'm the kind of person who doesn't always pick things up straight away,
> I'm a bit slow like that :-) The light bulb usually goes on - eventually.
> Sometimes I just need someone to flick the switch a few times. So if my
> questions come across as a bit dumb you'll know why.
> OK, so I'm new to Plan 9. I've managed to install it in virtualbox
> (Windows 7 host) and can log in and use it. I've also installed plan9port
> onto Lubuntu, also running in a virtual machine.
> Acme has become my main work environment now, I was an emacs user. I like
> acme a lot and spend most of my time in there (I'm writing this post in
> it). I use two screens; one with acme (plan9port) and the other with
> everything else. This set up is working well for me and I'm happy to carry
> on working like this.
> However, I would love to try working with acme in plan 9 itself. Well, I
> can use it with no problems (so far anyway), but I can't get networking or
> shared folders (virtualbox shared folders) working. This means, obviously,
> that plan 9 is isolated from the outside world so any work I do is stuck in
> there. Now, I'm trying ot get my head around the whole plan 9 thing and how
> it works. I admit I'm struggling with it, but don't want to give up just
> yet.
> So for starters, does anyone know how to get shared folders (virtualbox
> shared folders) working in plan 9, I have them working OK in Lubuntu so no
> problem there.? I know you have to install the virtualbox guest additions
> and  this is easy to do, but...
> This shows how much of a doofus I am. I don't know how to access the CD
> drive in plan 9 which is where the guest additions would be installed from.
> How do I do this please? I have searched, but have not managed to find the
> answer, or maybe I have found it and didn't understand it.
> I've been reading the 9fan archives and realise that technically all you
> chaps are way above me (as you can tell from my question) so please be
> patient with me :-)
> I also can't get networking to work which may or may not be related to the
> above, I'm not sure. I have tried the different suggestions I've found, but
> nothing seems to work. If I could just get shared folders working that
> would be great to start with.
> Thanks,
> Steve.

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