Thanks for the quick reply. Where is exactly the proper point to consider
it as "started on boot"? I really don't know how the Plan9 boot process
follows along (I guess "something" loads /lib/profile which in turn loads
/rc/bin/termrc, but I'm not even sure about this ordering), and so far the
documentation for this is a little... too twisty.


On Sat, Mar 8, 2014 at 1:35 PM, erik quanstrom <>wrote:

> > A mildly related question, though (I'm getting a little lost among
> > namespaces):
> >
> > How can I (I guess it's possible?) exportfs an external drive? As far as
> I
> > understand, 9import (or in general, import) will connect to my remote
> > machine with the current username, in its own namespace, and as such an
> > external drive (say, usbfat: mounted) won't be there (since the
> mountpoint
> > won't be in the remotely connected namespace.) Is there any workaround
> for
> > this? I can drawterm and cp, but I'd like to simplify it and just 9import
> > via fuse and move files when needed.
> needs to be in export's namespace.  easiest way to do this is to start it
> on
> boot and add to /lib/namespace.
> - erik

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