While poking around for something unrelated, I found a 9fans message[1] from Russ describing a hypothetical menuless (sic) rio. It sounded interesting so I've mostly implemented it in nile[2], a rio derivative I've been poking at. I think it does everything described in that message but the title bar. Invoke with -m to get the mode described in that message (it's half way there anyway).
I've got a *lot* of muscle memory attached to rio's way of doing things, but so far this feels quite nice. There's a man page and a readme, in case the description in Russ's message doesn't make things clear. I use nile as a playground for other rio ideas and and integrating other people's mods, so there are some rough bits. Right now, it adds Andrey's transparent window creation mod (useful over poor networks) and yiyus's non-interactive mod (although I no longer use this and will likely remove it soon). I've also put up a version of winwatch[3] which adds a menu on button 3 similar to rio's. This is very useful with nile -m. The big missing function is that there's no mousy way to set the scroll state, nor any way to find the current state. I've started playing with some of the "global command window" ideas which have come up in such conversations, too. [1] http://9fans.net/archive/2005/03/31 [2] /n/sources/contrib/anothy/src/cmd/nile [3] /n/sources/contrib/anothy/src/cmd/winwatch.c