Just installed 9front in a VM, and it worked fine. Two things. First,
it didn't ask me for systype as the documentation suggests it's
supposed to. No problem. I can sort that out on my own, but it would
be nice if the docs were correct. Second, python 2.5.1. Any plans to
bring over Jeff Sickel's 2.7.5? I can give it a go, if no one else is
working on it, but I know it requires significant changes to APE. It's
needed for codereview, IIRC. Also, what's the mercurial version? It
says version unknown. It'd be good to have mercurial 2.6.2 for go
compiler and stdlib dev, which is what I meant when I said go dev.

On Sun, Oct 6, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Jacob Todd <jaketodd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been using 9front (cpu/auth/cwfs) in vmware for almost a year
> with no problems. It even supports hda-intel sound.

Christopher Nielsen
"They who can give up essential liberty for temporary safety, deserve
neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the
blood of patriots & tyrants." --Thomas Jefferson

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