Hi Rob,

2013/7/2 Rob Pike <robp...@gmail.com>:
> Let me put in a word about the Apple wireless trackpad. I doubt it's
> got support in Plan 9, although it works from plan9port on the Mac. I
> am devoted to it now: I use it for scrolling. Right hand for pointing
> and clicking, left hand for scrolling. Works in acme, sam, etc. plus
> of course all the other (non-Plan 9) tools in the hostile environment.
> I may be the only person in the world who works like this, and is
> therefore happy to move not one but two hands off the keyboard to use
> 2-d input devices.

Although I spend a large part of my time on a Mac laptop, I'm a little
puzzled at how or why one would use two hands with the trackpad
doohickey. I just have the trackpad built-in -- I don't have the
wireless trackpad -- but I'm curious as to how / why you use this, and
how two hands make it more interesting than what one might do with

Really not trolling, genuinely interested in hearing how you're using
this device. (Sad that I have to qualify that these days on this

> -rob


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