I give out accounts on 9srv (apologies to those in my backlog queue; soon). I'm 
out of the country for a few days but if you follow the instructions for a 
request on the wiki I'm happy to help out.

That said, I agree with Richard: installing the system is educational.

On May 24, 2013, at 7:45, Ruslan Khusnullin <ruslan.khusnul...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, 9 fans!
> If I wanted to play with native Plan 9 installation or demonstrate it
> to someone, does anyone have a Plan 9 installed on a VPS or a Pi with
> free guest access? It would be nice to be able to drawterm to it. I
> remember there were discussions about creating Plan 9 instance on
> Amazon EC2 platform, but why bother if someone would be so kind to
> share own virtual server.
> Thanks in advance.

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