This is just an FYI. I'm seeing something that looks to me like a resource exhaustion of some sort. When running the standard test (i.e. go test std), some tests are broken (see below); but test of each "broken" package/cmd/etc, passes correctly.
I thought it might be related to semaphores, but the attached program didn't fail at all; in fact running 100 simultaneously caused nothing more than several temporary "Fault" states, but none broken. partial output of ps: fst 83379 0:00 0:00 240K Await run.rc -e ./run.rc --no-rebuild fst 83385 0:00 0:00 48K Await time go test std -short -timeout 120s fst 83386 0:04 0:07 797488K Semacqui go test std -short -timeout 120s fst 83387 0:00 0:00 797488K Semacqui go fst 83388 0:00 0:00 797488K Tsemacqu go fst 83389 0:00 0:00 797488K Semacqui go fst 83399 0:00 0:00 797488K Pread go fst 83401 0:00 0:00 797488K Pread go fst 83403 0:00 0:01 797488K Semacqui go fst 83404 0:00 0:00 797488K Pread go fst 83405 0:00 0:00 797488K Semacqui go fst 83406 0:00 0:01 797488K Pread go fst 83407 0:00 0:00 797488K Semacqui go fst 83426 0:00 0:00 797488K Semacqui go fst 83437 0:00 0:00 794320K Sleep api.test fst 83453 0:00 0:00 794528K Broken tar.test fst 83497 0:00 0:00 793628K Sleep bzip2.test fst 83499 0:00 0:00 793628K Broken bzip2.test fst 83532 0:00 0:00 794328K Sleep lzw.test fst 83533 0:00 0:00 794328K Broken lzw.test fst 84100 0:00 0:00 795204K Sleep template.test fst 84101 0:00 0:00 795204K Semacqui template.test fst 84102 0:00 0:00 795204K Broken template.test
Description: Binary data