> If all fails, you can try out what worked for me some time ago:

Building the VERSION file is a minor glitch that seems too much bother
to fix in any practical way: those who have HG installed would in any
case not want it fixed :-(

On the other hand, applying the patch required (and probably by now
insufficient) to compile Go for the ARM is hard to do without HG, so I
suppose that says that we are a bit behind the curve.

I'm hoping to do at least some of the necessary catching up now that
Go 1.1 has been released, but of course the port to plan9/arm is only
one of many issues put on hold ahead of the 1.1 release.

Feel free to ontact me (at my Gmail address <lucio.d...@gmail.com>) if
you have specific issues you want to discuss.  Also, there are quite
few developers lurking on go-nuts, that is a good place to make
suggestions as well as to ask questions.


PS: The VERSION file is a permanent version of VERSION.cache that is
generated by the more conventional Go builds.  All Go builds delete
VERSION.cache and create a fresh one, unless there is a VERSION file
in which case the latter is used unchanged.  What works for me is to
share the GOROOT between NetBSD and Plan 9 and build the NetBSD
version of Go first (I use "tip" normally).  Before building on the
Plan 9 servers, I rename $GOROOT/VERSION.cache to $GOROOT/VERSION.  I
am convinced that there isn't a mechanism that will please everyone;
I'll be pleased to be proven wrong.

Oh, I also need to delete VERSION before building on NetBSD and
usually I forget to do it :-(

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