Hi everyone, yesterday, out of boredom and geekness I decided to add a plumbing rule to my plumber, to allow me to search in subdirectories with The Silver Searcher (the command line ag, best described here: https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher) In short, ag "something to search" [where] will search, and it's quite fast for source code (faster than grep, and supposedly faster than ack). My idea was simply adding a plumbing rule that allows me to search the current directory by right clicking in acme an expression like ag:word or ag:"longer thing". Pretty useful, I think, even more since ag spits data in the standard filename:lineno format.
First problem, the plumber doesn't usually know where it is. I.e. if I start the plumber in directory /somewhere, all subsequent searches come straight from /somewhere (ag defaults to "current execution directory", this could be overriden by an extra parameter, but makes using it inside acme feel unnatural) I solved this in a very naive way, by adding to my plumbing rule: arg isdir . This sets the variable $dir to the current directory (according to plumb(7)). Now we get to the real meat of the problem. In short, plumb is eating line numbers. What do I mean? First, here is the plumbing rule: type is text data matches 'ag:"?([a-zA-Z¡-�0-9_\-./]+)"?' arg isdir . plumb start bash -c 'nag '$1' '$dir I created a small shell script named "nag" to test where the error was, I wasn't sure of the source (and editing a script is more time effective than rewriting a plumbing rule you have to reload) The script currently does: #/bin/bash ag "$1" $2 --nogroup --nocolor > test basically so I can test it, since it does not work as expected. If I run plumb ag:acme from within the root of the plan9ports tree (my shell is zsh, by the way), head test looks like: /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/acid/acme:// support for acme; acid must be run with /acme/acid/$cputype/Acid /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/acid/acme: printto("/tmp/acme.acid", eval code); /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/acid/acme: rc("cat /tmp/acme.acid | wnew -d "+"Acid/-stk'("+itoa(pid)+")'"); /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/acid/acme: printto("/tmp/acme.acid", stk()); /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/acid/acme: rc("cat /tmp/acme.acid | wnew -d "+"Acid/-'"+name+"("+itoa(pid)+")'"); /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/acid/acme: printto("/tmp/acme.acid", threadstk(tid)); /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/acid/acme: rc("cat /tmp/acme.acid | wnew -d "+"Acid/-"+name+"'("+itoa(pid)+")'"); /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/bin/": 9p read acme/$winid/body /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/bin/adict:. $PLAN9/lib/acme.rc /usr/local/plan9/plan9port/bin/Getdir:# Click on an acme directory window and then execute Getdir If instead I run nag "acme" . --nogroup --nocolor > test, head test looks like: ./acid/acme:1:// support for acme; acid must be run with /acme/acid/$cputype/Acid ./acid/acme:8: printto("/tmp/acme.acid", eval code); ./acid/acme:9: rc("cat /tmp/acme.acid | wnew -d "+"Acid/-stk'("+itoa(pid)+")'"); ./acid/acme:16: printto("/tmp/acme.acid", stk()); ./acid/acme:17: rc("cat /tmp/acme.acid | wnew -d "+"Acid/-'"+name+"("+itoa(pid)+")'"); ./acid/acme:24: printto("/tmp/acme.acid", threadstk(tid)); ./acid/acme:25: rc("cat /tmp/acme.acid | wnew -d "+"Acid/-"+name+"'("+itoa(pid)+")'"); ./bin/":7: 9p read acme/$winid/body ./bin/adict:4:. $PLAN9/lib/acme.rc ./bin/Getdir:3:# Click on an acme directory window and then execute Getdir As you can see, output is clearly different. For one, . is being rewritten as the complete base dir. This is to be expected, since $dir is expanded to current dir, not . and ag plays short and uses just . The problem is that line number is being stripped, and I can't figure where or why, or how to fix it (running nag "acme" fulldir gives the same output, with line numbers, so it's not a longlines problem). Without line numbers there's no (interesting) point in searching stuff from within acme. If I run ag from within Win in acme (previously setting SHELL=$PLAN9/bin/rc) the results are correct, even running from within rc the full command bash -c 'ag "acme" . --nogroup --nocolor' gives the expected results. I'm completely puzzled about *where* the line numbers are being stripped, and even more, *why*. I have taken a look at the source for plumb and the plumber, but I can't find where the code to execute a start/client command is located. Any ideas? Regards, Ruben