// What do you think would fit the model (inside Acme, I mean)? I don't really know - that's why I said I wanted to see experiments. ;-)
You already mentioned one patch, and I think it's a good start. It was pretty comfortable when I was using it regularly (I don't use the p9p graphics bits much any more). I'm not sure it was quite right, but I think that was mostly just tuning. Beyond replicating the existing chords or the functions they invoke, it's harder to know what various ideas would actually feel like to use. For example, I could see repurposing the gestures OS X usually uses for exposé (do they still call it that?) for the effects currently achieved by clicking different buttons in the box just to the left of the tag. I'd like to be able to, say, flick down and have the window the pointer's in go to the bottom of the column, as if I'd just middle-clicked the box in the next window above it. I could see having something assigned to Del a window being nice. Ideas are easy. Without implementing some of them, it's nearly impossible to know what it'd actually feel like to use, and that's what matters. I've suggested this as a GSoC project before, and I still think it'd be a fun thing to do for someone reasonably familiar with the OS X (or some other platform) multitouch interface. With drawterm, it'd be even more exciting to define what a, say, /dev/multitouch would look like and how native software could use it, without having to do the hardware drivers for Plan 9 (yet) (unless you're into that sort of thing, of course). Anthony