Only the power of Plan 9 namespaces can allow operations like this:

bind -a "American Native Traditions Solidarity" ANTS

The Plan 9 Advanced Namespace Tools project announces public support
and affinity for the Lakota Grandmothers and their call for fairness
and self determination for the Lakota Oyate people.

Several individuals in the United States expressed a future intention
to use the ANTS software.  I would request that those future
intentions to explore ANTS be semantically rebound to American Native
Traditions and that the Plan 9 namespace be union bound with the
social justice cause of preserving matriarchal wisdom and the language
traditions that are naturally rooted to the Earth.

The ANTS project has become highly interdisciplinary as it moves
towards creating tangible structures of real world value and we will
be attempting many more semantic rebinds to recontextualize Plan 9
namespace technologies for purposes in physics, metaphysics,
artificial intelligence, virtual reality, alternative currencies,
redefining mixed-use property development, and the use of harmonic
resonance as a practical method of everyday time travel.

We do not take responsibility for Radical Fictionalization which may
occur when exploring ants/apiary software and reality-value binding

Research and development grants are available to interested coders and

When there's something strange
In the namespace-hood
Who ya gonna call?

This post guaranteed 100% factual and serious by the Moon Computer.

Please visit and view the documentary Red Cry
and support free flow of wealth and information between all beings.

Ben Kidwell

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