On Friday 29 of March 2013 09:25:47 Peter A. Cejchan wrote: > Also, could you share the plumbing rules you use (for my > inspiration/learning)?
1) re-format PHP's strange error mesages into standard FILE_PATHNAME:LINE_NUMBER # ... called in FILE_PATHNAME on line LINE_NUMBER and defined in FILE_PATHNAME on line LINE_NUMBER data matchesmultiline '.*rror.*called in ([^ ]+) on line ([0-9]+) and defined in ([^ ]+) on line ([0-9]+).*' arg isfile $1 data set $file attr add addr=$2 type is text plumb to edit #file / line in PHP format data matchesmultiline '(.+) on line ([0-9]+).*' arg isfile $1 data set $file attr add addr=$2 type is text plumb to edit 2) display php's function prototypes on right-click on a function name with an opening parenthesis. the `W' script greps a flat text file list of functions (with arguments and return types) and outputs to +Errors window. type is text data matches '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*[(]' plumb start W --wdir $wdir $data * * * a half-hearted support for displaying SQL table schema; again, `Wtable' is a script outputting definition of indicated table. type is text data matches '.*(FROM|JOIN)[ ]+([^ ]+).*' data set $2 plumb start Wtable --wdir $wdir $data -- dexen deVries [[[↓][→]]]