On Mon Mar 25 06:27:26 EDT 2013, pau...@gmail.com wrote:
> > anybody care to explain what is the limitation of mk here?  can't
> > wrap my head around it...
> > 
> It only knows about the rules you give it.  It does not understand the
> real dependencies in your software.  Also, because of this you tend to
> give it general rules which are not always right.  There are more, but
> these are the ones Rob was referring to, I think.

interesting plan 9 examples:
1.  too much.  plan 9 libraries are always rebuilt in their entirity,
even though it's possible to only rebuild the updated files.
2.  too little.  plan 9 programs seldom depend on system header
files, or the c compiler.

neither is a big issue in practice.  but that leads me to an interesting
question, does go rebuild everything if the go compiler has changed?

- erik

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