Yes, I run Go on native Plan9, what I wanted toi say is that I would be happy to see some minimalistic (in a spirit of plan9) written in, and integrated with, Go... [Beat my English, as usually, I am not a native speaker]
And yes, binaries are extraordinarily huge (no idea, why). However, I still like Go better than C, even though i _trelly loved C_ since i go my first C compiler. ++pac On Sat, Mar 23, 2013 at 5:06 PM, Francisco J Ballesteros <>wrote: > go runs already on 9. > > Binaries are one order of magnitude larger and the go tool & part of the > runtime code are, well…. > > but it's already there. > > On Mar 23, 2013, at 12:40 PM, "Peter A. Cejchan" <> > wrote: > > I still hope that some clone of plan9/nix/nxm will merge with Go > > >