On Tuesday, March 12, 2013 4:53:04 PM UTC-4, a...@9srv.net wrote:
> // It would be tres cool if this information was getting
> // mirrored in the Wiki.
> I've been copying over some of the more concise and
> complete reports, but yes: people with working setups
> should add their experiences there.
> For those who have not used the wiki, editing existing
> pages is pretty easy. In Acme acme on Plan 9¹, run
>       Local 9fs wiki
> which will connect to the wiki and mount it at /mnt/wiki
> within a running acme. Next, run
>       Wiki
> to launch the client, which will read the files in there
> and give you a much nicer interface. On the main page
> there, you can right-click on
>       [Wiki index]
> to get a list of all the pages on the wiki. Type in your
> changes and execute "Put" in the tag when done.
> For details, see the pages "Acme wiki instructions" and
> "Wiki syntax"². Note in particular that the syntax is like a
> *very* minimalistic version of the sort of markdown
> used on many other wikis.
> Anthony
> ¹ I'm told this is doable somehow on p9p, but I don't
> how and can't confirm that.
> ² It'd be neat if someone would work out how to get the
> plumber to handle /mnt/wiki paths (or some conventional
> mapping thereof) so we could pass them around as
> pseudo-hotlinks.

I would love to help, as I have a good install, but I have no networking.

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