the role of directory mtime of plan9 is ambiguous for me.
that need not be same as that of unix because plan9 does not have ctime.
is there the specification?

by the way, directory atime is also difficult to understand.
the time is really useful?
readdir() returns 0 although cwfs has the value.

Kenji Arisawa

On 2013/02/25, at 17:23, wrote:

> i'm not sure. if you touch an existing file, then it makes sense
> that the files mtime gets updated, not the whole directory.
> wstat() and write() on a file only update the files mtime, not
> the parent directory.
> however creating a new file or deleting a file from a directory
> does change the directories mtime. (the dump change makes it
> consistent with that).
> --
> cinap

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