On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Charles Forsyth

> On 18 February 2013 13:02, Comeau At9Fans <comeauat9f...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> seems to be doing is setting up allowing the call to compile and once
>> that is satisfied then the subsequent definition "has" to match it, as
>> perhaps a way to do type punning.
> No, the compiler is simply applying scope rules. Without that inner
> declaration explicitly overriding the outer declaration--whether static or
> extern is used--
> it will not compile (eg, if you put "static void fn(Outer*);" or "extern
> void fn(Outer*);" and remove static from fn in the file scope).
> The behaviour is undefined in ANSI C if two declarations that refer to the
> same object or function do not have compatible types
> (normally, you're protected by another rule that you can't have
> incompatible declarations *in the same scope*).
> ANSI C does, however, forbid the inner static declaration (which surprised
> me)
> "The declaration of an identifier for a function that has block scope
> shall have no explicit storage-class specifier other than extern." (6.7.1)

We're probably saying the same thing.  As you say ANSI C forbids it hence
my comment about normally a diagnostic from a so-called mainstream
compiler.   And as you say without a declaration it would not compile
either.  The declaration should normally be in global scope (it could have
been), which would have also produced a diagnostic since Inner/Outer don't
match.  That leaves the declaration where Eric showed it, which the Plan 9
compiler obviously allowed.  As you note the net effect is it's undefined
(if we're using ANSI C as the metric) hence created a kind of type pun
(even if the original code did it as a mistake).

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