On Friday 11 of January 2013 13:24:12 Peter A. Cejchan wrote:
> I am now on p9p and this does not work - at least with (... )*
> > using the \1 (used to be undocumented on plan9) may be sometimes easier
> > Edit s/\+\+([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9])*/\1++/>

oughta be 
Edit s/\+\+([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*)/\1++/
the * moves to the left.

also, probably oughta be
Edit ,s/....../g

to work on all lines, and change multiple matches in one go.

dexen deVries


Reality is just a convenient measure of complexity.
                -- Alvy Ray Smith

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